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Author:Maria Yanez Lopez Anthony Price Emer Hughes Nicolaas Puts Richard Edden Grainne McAlonan Tomoki Arichi Enrico De Vita
Institution:Johns Hopkins School of Medicine King's College London Imperial College London Kennedy Krieger Institute
Session Type:Oral
Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020
Topic:Pediatric Innovations
Session Name:Pediatric High-End Potpourri
Program Number:0100
Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 3
Author:Muhammad Saleh Afroditi Papantoni Georg Oeltzschner Mark Mikkelsen Nicolaas Puts Richard Edden Susan Carnell
Institution:The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Session Type:Digital Poster
Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)
Topic:Proton MRS and Other Nuclei MR
Session Name:1H-MRS Non-Cancer Applications 1
Program Number:2922
Room Live Q&A Session:
Author:Mark Mikkelsen Richard Edden
Institution:The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Kennedy Krieger Institute
Topic:New Techniques in MRS
Session Name:MRS Technical 2
Program Number:2882
Author:Sofie Tapper Mark Mikkelsen Blake Dewey Richard Edden
Institution:Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Kennedy Krieger Institute Johns Hopkins University
Session Name:MRS Technical 1
Program Number:2869
Author:Tao Gong Richard Edden Guangbin Wang
Institution:Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Shandong Medical Imaging Research Institute F. M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Session Name:MRS Cancer Applications
Program Number:2950
Author:Diana Rotaru Georg Oeltzschner Richard Edden David Lythgoe
Institution:Kennedy Krieger Institute King's College London The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch
Topic:MRS: New Developments, Applicatons, & Fighting the Noise
Session Name:MRS Techniques & Applications
Program Number:0368
Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 5
Author:Helge Zöllner Georg Oeltzschner Michal Povazan Richard Edden
Program Number:2885
Author:Steve Hui Muhammad Saleh Georg Oeltzschner Mark Mikkelsen Sofie Tapper Richard Edden
Institution:The Johns Hopkins University Kennedy Krieger Institute
Session Name:MRS Technical 3
Program Number:2897
Author:Georg Oeltzschner Helge Zöllner Richard Edden
Program Number:2871
Author:Masoumeh Dehghani Richard Edden Jamie Near
Institution:Johns Hopkins University McGill University Centre d'Imagerie Cérébrale
Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020
Topic:Other Nuclei MRI and MRS to Study Metabolism
Session Name:Simultaneous or Interleaved MRS & X-Nuclei
Program Number:0491
Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 5