Mark Mikkelsen1,2 and Richard A. E. Edden1,2
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2F. M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States
Measurement of lower-concentration metabolites
at ≤3T using edited MRS requires relatively long scan
times (~10 min for a 27-mL voxel). We investigated whether scan times can be
halved to ~5 min without a significant increase in group-level variance. GABA-edited
MEGA-PRESS data from the Big GABA repository were analyzed by quantifying GABA+/Cr
levels for complete datasets (320 averages; ~10 min) versus the first half of
each (160 averages; ~5 min). There were no significant differences in
group-level variance or GABA+/Cr levels. It appears that for a large, high-SNR
voxel, GABA editing scan times of ~5 min are feasible.
Spectral editing is an advantageous
MRS technique that is able to selectively reveal lower-concentration J-coupled
metabolites (such as GABA, GSH, and Lac) in the 1H MR spectrum by
removing the overlapping stronger signals of higher-concentration metabolites. However,
given the low SNR of lower-concentration metabolite signals, relatively long
scan times are needed for signal averaging. A scan duration of ~10 min and a
27-mL voxel size are typically recommended for MEGA-edited acquisitions, based on a 7-year-old
literature review (1).
A recent study presented evidence that scan times can be shortened (whilst
maintaining voxel size) without a significant increase in group-level variance (2).
Here, we sought to confirm whether halving standard scan times of GABA-edited
MEGA-PRESS acquisitions is viable. For this purpose, GABA-edited MEGA-PRESS data
from the Big GABA repository (3,4)
were analyzed by quantifying GABA+/Cr levels for complete datasets (320
averages; ~10 min) versus the first half of each (160 averages; ~5 min).Methods
Big GABA data
The Big GABA data repository contains a normative set of GABA+-edited MEGA-PRESS
acquisitions collected at 25 research sites on 3T scanners from the three major
vendors: GE (8 sites); Philips (9 sites); and Siemens (8 sites). Data from 279 volunteers
were used in this study. The data were acquired at each site using standard
MEGA-PRESS acquisition parameters: TE/TR = 68/2000 ms; ON/OFF editing pulses =
1.9/7.46 ppm; 320 averages; 30 × 30 × 30 mm3 medial parietal lobe
voxel. Further acquisition parameters are provided in the original publications
Data analysis
Data were processed and quantified in Gannet (5) (v. 3.1.4) using the toolkit’s automated
pipeline, including: coil combination (GE and Siemens data only);
frequency-and-phase correction (6); zero-filling to a spectral resolution of
0.061 Hz/point; 3-Hz exponential line-broadening; weighted signal averaging; and
subtraction. GABA+/Cr ratios were calculated by fitting the 3 ppm GABA+ and Cr
signals in the difference and OFF spectrum with Gaussian and Lorentzian models,
respectively. Model fit error was calculated as $$$\sqrt{\epsilon_{GABA}^2+\epsilon_{Cr}^2}$$$, where ε is standard
deviation of fit residuals divided by the model amplitude of either GABA+ or Cr.
SNR was estimated as the amplitude of the Lorentzian-modeled 2 ppm NAA peak in
the OFF spectrum divided by twice the standard deviation of noise. Noise was
estimated in the frequency domain between 10 and 12 ppm using the approach described previously (3). The pipeline was run either with the complete
320 averages (10-min dataset) or with only the first 160 averages (5-min
Statistical analysis
Outliers in GABA+/Cr levels,
fit error, and SNR were removed in either dataset using the median absolute
deviation method (7) using a rejection threshold
of 2.5 (8). To assess the effect of
shortening scan time from 10 to 5 min on data variance, interindividual
coefficients of variation (CVs) were calculated at the level of site. An F-test was run to test for equality of variances at the
cohort-wide level. An R2 value was calculated to assess the
degree of variance shared between the two datasets. Paired-samples t-tests
were run to test for significant differences in GABA+/Cr levels, fit error, and
SNR between the two datasets.Results
Individual spectra for
the 10- and 5-min datasets are shown in Fig. 1. The shorter acquisition showed
comparable data quality to the longer acquisition but with relative increases
in noise, as expected. Fig. 2 shows the distribution of GABA+/Cr levels for
both datasets, revealing a similar level of cohort-wide variance. There was no
significant difference in GABA+/Cr levels (t(265) = 0.87, p =
0.38). The F-test showed that the cohort-wide variances of the two
datasets were not significantly different (F = 0.90, p = 0.38). The
average within-site CVs for the 10- and 5-min datasets were 8.3% and 9.5%,
respectively. Differences in within-site CV varied between sites, however (Fig. 3).
Correlating the GABA+/Cr levels showed that 71% of variance was shared between
the two datasets (R2 = 0.71, p < 0.001; Fig. 4). Fit
errors and SNR are shown in Fig. 5. The 5-min data had 14% more fit error on
average (t(251) = 16.69, p < 0.001) and 27% less SNR on
average (t(264) = 34.42, p < 0.001) compared to the 10-min data.
The ratio of mean SNR (426.3/311.8) is close to the expected $$$\sqrt{320/160}$$$ ratio predicted by the SNR law of signal averaging.Conclusion
Based on a 27-mL voxel in a
high-SNR region, we show that GABA-edited MEGA-PRESS acquisition can be
shortened from ~10 to ~5 min without a significant increase in data variance.
It is important to note that these data were acquired in the medial parietal
lobe, which gives good shim linewidth and SNR; shortening acquisitions in more
challenging regions (frontal or subcortical) would likely not be as reliable.
Additionally, when designing a study employing edited MRS, care must be taken to
properly understand the implications of not just SNR and scan time but also of
predicted effect sizes and required sample sizes (2).
It is apparent that the 10-min rule-of-thumb that is used in the
edited MRS field need not be a hard-and-fast rule as it is possible to obtain
reliable results with a 5-min scan time.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by NIH
grants R01 EB016089, R01 EB023963, and P41 EB015909. The GABA-edited MEGA-PRESS
data are available online on the NITRC data repository (
1. Puts NAJ, Edden RAE. In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy of GABA: A
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2. Mikkelsen M, Loo
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