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B0 shimming in human brain using rosette encoding at 7T

Cardiac motion modeling using DENSE imaging to study cardiac diffusion tensor MRI

Image-based computer simulations of haemodynamics and blood cells distributions: A comparison between MRI and ultrasound

MRIsim.jl: A framework for end-to-end spin-level MRI simulations with GPU acceleration

REconstruction of MR images acquired in highly inhOmogeneous fields using DEep Learning (REMODEL 2.0)

Reduced field of view CEST for high performance prostate imaging at 3T human scanner

Safety of 4-channel parallel RF transmission MRI at 3 T: Effects of system uncertainty and system failure pertinent to deep brain stimulation

Towards gradient perturbation correction in diffusion weighted imaging based on the gradient system transfer function

Author:Hannah Scholten  Herbert Köstler  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 32: New Systems & Devices  

Session Name:Phantoms & System Imperfections II  

Program Number:2810  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:University of Würzburg