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8-Channel Dipolectric Antenna Array for MRI at 7T: Proof-of-Principle Study in Human Brain

8-Channel Dipolectric Antenna Array for MRI at 7T: Proof-of-Principle Study in Human Brain

Effect of circadian rhythm on brain NAD: an MRS study at 7 T

Investigating the influences of spectral lineshape and linewidth in LCModel basis-sets on 1H MRS quantification at 7T

STEAM-based proton observed carbon edited (POCE) 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy without decoupling at 7T

Structural abnormalities in patients with early psychosis: a MP2RAGE-based morphometric study at 7T

Super-fast and accurate estimation of relaxation and chemical exchange rate using 31P-MT-MR fingerprinting at 7T in the human brain

Time-efficient and reproducible relaxation measurements by 31P-MR fingerprinting in human brain at 7T