Effect of circadian rhythm on brain NAD:  an MRS study at 7 T
Zhiwei Huang1, Bernard Cuenoud2, Mickael Hartweg3, Daniel Wenz1, and Lijing Xin1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, EPFL, Ecublens, Switzerland, 2Translation Research, Nestlé Health Science, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Clinical Research Unit, Nestlé Research and Development, Lausanne, Switzerland


Our understanding of circadian rhythm has expanded to provide molecular insights into physiology and disease since the discovery of circadian clock.Pre-clinical experiments have shown that circadian rhythm is linked with the Nicotinamid Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) levels and the redox ratio. However, clinical data is still lacking. In this study, we aim to study the effect of circadian rhythm on NAD levels in the human brain. By measuring the NAD levels in the occipital lobe with 31P-MRS, preliminary interim results suggest a negative correlation trend between cortisol level and total NAD level.


The circadian rhythm (CIR) plays a vital role in regulating cellular, physiological and behavioral processes in health and disease. It was found that mammalian CIR are coordinated with metabolic activity through controlled expression of Nicotinamid Phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT)1. Regulation of NAMPT could result in oscillating NAD+, an important metabolite involved in bioenergetics and co-substrates for enzymes modulating cellular signaling processes2. The rhythmic oscillation of NAD+ could serve as a feedback timer by modulating the activities of NAD+-dependent enzymes, helping to establish the periodicity of the cycles3-4. Pre-clinical experiments have shown that CIR is directly linked with the NAD levels and the NAD redox ratio5. For example, mice liver data showed that level of NAD+ displayed circadian oscillations3, human ex-vivo data also showed that NAD oscillates over time in red blood cell6. However, no clinical study has been reported in human on the effect of the CIR on brain NAD levels. With the development of 31P-MRS at high magnetic field, NAD+ and NADH in human brain can be measured7, enabling the monitor of NAD level and the redox ratio changes.
To explore whether and how CIR could influence the brain NAD level in human, we conducted a MRS study at 7T, where brain energy related metabolites were assessed at two different states during the day. Besides, cortisol level is tested to confirm that the experiment is done in different circadian conditions; brain lactate level is measured since lactate is an important energetic metabolite and that a 24h rhythm of lactate was observed in the somatosensory cortex with animals8. Moreover, Balloon Analogue Risk Test (BART)9 is implemented to explore possible associations between brain energetic status and reward behavior.


From the power analysis based on a previous study10, 25 subjects are planned to detect a similar effect size as observed in the red blood cells and mice livers3, 6. Considering the effects of age and gender on circadian function11, 25 male volunteers aging between 18 and 40 years old were recruited and 14 of them have been tested. Before the experiment, the participants are required to record their sleeping diary for one week to ensure regular sleeping habits. The experiment is implemented in fasted morning condition (8 am) and later afternoon condition (3 pm) during a day. For each session, the saliva sample of the volunteer is collected and analyzed for the cortisol level. Then, MR experiments are performed on a 7T/68cm MR scanner (Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany) with a 1H surface coil and a single-loop 31P coil (7cm-diameter) for the occipital lobe. 31P-MRS is performed by a pulse-acquire sequence (TR=3s, 320 averages) to measure 31P metabolites including NADH and NAD+. 1H-MRS is acquired by a short-TE STEAM sequence (TE/TM/TR=4.5/25/5500ms, 64 averages, voxel size = 35x20x25mm3) for neurochemical profiling including lactate. BART (Inquisit Lab) is implemented as a measure of individual risk-taking propensity. After the AM session, the participants are provided with one nutritional drink as breakfast (360kCal) for immediate consumption and 2 other drinks (720kCal) as lunch consumed at 12 pm; the participants are not allowed to consume other food or beverage until the PM session.
All MR spectra were analyzed by LCModel. 31P metabolite concentrations were calculated assuming [γ-ATP] of 3mM. Unsuppressed water spectra were used for the quantification of 1H metabolites. Statistical analysis was done using paired t-test and Spearman correlation.


The preliminary interim data analysis with 14 subjects showed that the cortisol level was significantly higher in the morning, confirming that the experiment was done in different circadian conditions; the BART performance was significantly higher in the afternoon in which is coherent with previous research12 (table 1). Besides, it was found that total NAD was negatively correlated with the cortisol level (Figure 1).

Discussion and conclusion

This is the first study to explore the relationship between CIR and brain metabolites such as NAD and lactate in human. The results of the project could contribute to a greater molecular understanding of the CIR in human brain and open therapeutic perspectives for diseases. Preliminary interim analysis showed a negative correlation trend between cortisol level and brain total NAD level. This preliminary result motivates further investigation upon the completion of the full study.


This work was supported by Nestle Health Science. We acknowledge access to the facilities and expertise of the CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, a Swiss research center of excellence founded and supported by Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), University of Lausanne (UNIL), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), University of Geneva (UNIGE) and Geneva University Hospitals (HUG).


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Figure 1. Correlation plots between the cortisol level and brain total NAD level:

Table 1. Average cortisol level and BART results in fasted morning condition and later afternoon condition.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/2733