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Blood-brain barrier permeability in response to caffeine challenge

Comparison of cerebral oxygen extraction fraction using ASE and TRUST methods in patients with sickle cell disease and healthy controls

Longitudinal changes in brain oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) in older adults: relationship to vascular and Alzheimer’s pathology

Measuring cerebral venous oxygenation: multi-site multi-vendor standardization of TRUST MRI and association with end-tidal CO2

Quantitative validation of MRI mapping of cerebral venous oxygenation with direct blood sampling: a graded-O2 study in piglets

Quantitative validation of MRI mapping of cerebral venous oxygenation with direct blood sampling: a graded-O2 study in piglets

Quantitative assessment of cerebral oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) in the medial temporal lobe

Quantitative assessment of cerebral oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) in the medial temporal lobe

Regional assessment of cerebral oxygen extraction fraction in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy: a pilot study

Resting-state based Cerebrovascular Reactivity (CVR) mapping at high spatial resolutions