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CONN-NLM: a novel CONNectome-based Non-Local Means filter for PET-MRI denoising

A Deep Learning Method for Connectome Reconstruction Using Clinical MRI Protocols

High-Contrast Imaging at Low Magnetic Fields

    Increased Body Mass Index Associated with Reduced Connectivity in Functional Brain Networks in those At-Risk of Dementia

    A robust framework for characterising diffusion metrics of peripheral nerves: exploiting state of the art tracking methods

    Surface based analysis of cortical diffusion metrics:associations with cortical myeloarchitecture and underlying white matter anisotropy

    Towards an Unbiased Brain Template of Fiber Orientation Distribution Using Multimodal Registration

    Author:Jinglei Lv  Rui Zeng  Fernando Calamante  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

    Topic:Signal Modelling for Quantitative MRI  

    Session Name:Modelling: Diffusion, Kinetics & More  

    Program Number:2849  

    Room Session:Concurrent 1  

    Institution:The University of Sydney  

    TractLearn: comparison with the General Linear Model for optic pathways exploration

    Volumetric and connectivity profile of regional thalamic abnormality in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis