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Accelerating Bayesian Compressed Sensing for Fast Multi-Contrast Reconstruction

Brain instability is a biomarker of Alzheimer's disease progression

Exploiting Nerve Membrane Dynamics to Reduce Peripheral Nerve Stimulation using Asymmetric Readout Gradient Waveforms

Exploration of highly accelerated multi-echo MPRAGE using compressed sensing for brain morphometry applications

An Improved Power Handling Active Transmit/Receive Switch for Low Field MRI using Reed Relays

Author:Don Straney  Clarissa Cooley  Matthew Rosen  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:RF Design I  

Session Name:Developments in RF Components  

Program Number:1395  

Room Session:Concurrent 2  

Institution:Massachusetts General Hospital  Harvard Medical School  Harvard University  

In vivo Cerebellum MRSI reconstruction by domain-transform manifold learning

MRI image synthesis with a conditional generative adversarial network using patch pooling