Despite its high relevance in metabolic research, the non-invasive measurement of adipocyte size remains an unmet need. DW-MRS has been previously applied to probe diffusion restriction effects in vivo to measure lipid droplets in animals up to diameters of 10 µm and in humans up to diameters of 50 µm. However, DW-MRS suffers from signal loss due to intravoxel-dephasing even when minimal motion is present. This work proposes a novel DW-MRI sequence and diffusion signal processing. In simulations and ex vivo adipose tissue measurements, the presented method results show agreement with ground truth and histology in measuring lipid droplet size.
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Figure 1:
Sequence diagram of the proposed DW STE-prepared single-shot 2D TSE. The diffusion weighted DW-STE magnetization preparation comprises four composite 90° RF pulse and mono-polar diffusion sensitizing gradients (blue). To eliminate eddy current- and motion-induced phase errors an additional pair of de-/rephasing gradients (indicated in red) denoted as magnitude stabilizers are introduced before the last tip-up pulse and immediately before and after every spin echo formation. The spoiler gradients within the magnetization preparation are indicated in grey.
Figure 2:
Overview fitting process. Data is acquired with different diffusion times (Δ - rows) and diffusion weightings (b-value - diagonal dimension). First, the complex data is phase corrected and then spatially averaged to increase SNReffective. All data is pooled and a voxel-wise fitting is performed with different initial starting values which result in different parameter estimates. Taking the voxel-wise estimate with lowest residual leads to the CbV processing (blue). Additionally imposing a spatially slowly varying lipid droplet size leads to the CbR processing (green).
Figure 3:
Noise performance of the lipid droplet size estimation in the adipose tissue sample case (true diameter: 60 µm). In the 2D histogram a rather broad width for the droplet diameter and free diffusion constant estimates can be observed. The histogram width and the SD in the mean diameter estimation decrease with increasing SNReffective and is further reduced by CbR processing. At high SNReffective (by spatial averaging) quantification biases can be observed. At a SNReffective of 500, the deviation from the true diameter is 3.9% (CbV) and 1.7% (CbR).
Figure 4:
Histology slides, CbV-based and CbR-based diameter maps and corresponding histograms for two adipose tissue samples. Adipose tissue sample 1 shows smaller adipocytes compared to adipose tissue sample 2. The SD is decreased with the CbR compared to the CbV processing (compare the distribution broadness in the diameter histograms).
Figure 5:
Correlation analysis of the mean droplet diameter obtained with CbR processing compared to microscopy in the white adipose tissue sample study. A significant correlation was found when comparing the mean adipocyte size (R2/p: 0.531/0.018) obtained by both methods although a large uncertainty was found in the size estimation of the MR-based method. Mean values ±1 standard deviation (error bar) are shown.