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AutoSON: Automated Sequence Optimization by joint training with a Neural network

BUDA-SAGE with unsupervised denoising enables fast, distortion-free, high-resolution T2, T2*, iron and myelin susceptibility mapping

ChEST: A novel model measuring both Chemical Exchange and Susceptibility Tensor from resonance frequency shift

DeepResp: Deep Neural Network for respiration-induced artifact correction in 2D multi-slice GRE

DeepSlider: Deep learning-powered gSlider for improved robustness and performance

DeepTSE-T2: Deep learning-powered T2 mapping with B1+ estimation using a product double-echo Turbo Spin Echo sequence

Generalization of deep learning-based QSM by expanding the diversity of spatial gradient in training data

High neuromelanin contrast achieved using sandwiched flow saturation RF pulses: sandwich-fsNM imaging

Magnetic susceptibility source separation: validation with Monte-Carlo simulation & application tohuman brain with histological comparison