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1H MRS: a tool to study age-related changes in intracellular metabolites in the deep spinal muscles?

Author:Sarah Wayte  Alexander Dallaway  Andrew Weedall  John Hattersley  Adrian Wilson  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:Muscle MRI  

Session Name:Muscle MRI  

Program Number:3182  

Room Session:Concurrent 4  

Institution:Coventry University  University Hospital  University of Warwick  

Cerebrovascular dual-venc 4D flow MRI: Assessment of arterial pulsatility and resistance measures in intracranial atherosclerotic disease

Comparing Methods for Ultra-High Resolution Structural Imaging of Human Olfactory Bulb and Tract at 3T

Author:Sichen Zhao  Jay Gottfried  John Detre  M Tisdall  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:MRI in COVID-19  

Session Name:Role of Advanced Imaging in COVID-19  

Program Number:1733  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:University of Pennsylvania  

Cortical microinfarcts on 7T MRI correlate with medial temporal lobe thinning in healthy aging

Dual-echo volumetric navigators for field mapping and shim correction in MR neuroimaging

T2*-weighted ex vivo whole-hemisphere 7 T MRI localizes novel focal iron-rich pathology in frontotemporal lobar degeneration