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Highly Accelerated Subtractive NCE-MRA using Advanced k-space Subtraction and Magnitude Subtraction Reconstruction Methods

Author:Hao Li  Martin Graves  Nadeem Shaida  Akash Prashar  David Lomas  Andrew Priest  

Institution:Addenbrooke’s Hospital  University of Cambridge  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

Topic:Cardiovascular Techniques  

Session Name:MRA & Atherosclerosis Imaging  

Program Number:1324  

Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 3  

Highly accelerated vessel wall imaging using CAIPIRINHA accelerated SPACE and IFR-CS

Impact of sub-millimeter isotropic resolution on the visualization of coronary arteries in patients undergoing accelerated whole-heart CMRA

Author:Aurelien Bustin  Reza Hajhosseiny  Imran Rashid  Gastao Cruz  Ronak Rajani  Tevfik Ismail  René Botnar  Claudia Prieto  

Institution:King's College London  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

Topic:Cardiovascular Techniques  

Session Name:MRA & Atherosclerosis Imaging  

Program Number:1322  

Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 3  

iSNAP sequence for simultaneous measurement of whole brain dynamic MRA, MRA, intracranial vessel wall and T1W structural brain MRI

Outcome of Catheter-direct Thrombolysis for Deep Vein Thrombosis using T1-weighted Magnetic Resonance Black-blood Thrombus Imaging

Rapid Whole Heart Coronary MRA with 100% respiratory gating efficiency: Fast 3D Wheel data sampling with denoising deep learning reconstruction

REACT-MD: simultaneous non-contrast-enhanced subclavian MRA and fat suppressed direct thrombus imaging (MPRAGE) with a large field-of-view

Self-gated dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the aortic root in atherosclerotic mice: a natural progression study

Ultrashort TE Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse MRA for Simulated Visceral Arterial Diseases Indicated for Endovascular Interventions.