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Accelerated Whole-body Imaging with Uniform Fat-Suppression and Deep-Learning Reconstruction

Author:Alan McMillan  Lloyd Estowski  Ty Cashen  R. Marc Lebel  Xinzeng Wang  Ersin Bayram  Ali Pirasteh  

Institution:GE Healthcare  University of Wisconsin Madison  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Abdominopelvic MRI - Benign  

Session Name:Machine Learning & Radiomics in Body MRI  

Program Number:2600  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Free Breathing Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging of the Hepatopancreatobiliary lesions with improved 3D Stack-of-Stars k-space trajectory

MR compatible 4D Ultrasound based validation of respiratory motion compensation strategies

Perfusion analyses of breast benign and malignant lesions using super high frame rate reconstruction with stack-of-stars acquisition

PROPELLER Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Prostate with Deep-Learning Reconstruction

Shortening Diagnostic T2w Breast Protocols to Capitalize on the Benefits of a Deep Learning Reconstruction

Unsupervised radial streak artifact reduction in time resolved MRI

Use of a Digital Reference Object for Validation of Advanced Reconstruction Methods in High Spatial-temporal Resolution Breast DCE-MRI

Utility of Stack-of-stars Acquisition for Arterial Phase Imaging without Breath-holding on Dynamic MRI of the Liver

Author:Shintaro Ichikawa  Daiki Tamada  Tetsuya Wakayama  Sagar Mandava  Ty Cashen  Hiroshi Onishi  Utaroh Motosugi  

Institution:GE Healthcare  University of Yamanashi  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020  

Topic:Hepatobiliary & Pancreas  

Session Name:Diffuse Liver & Metabolism  

Program Number:0322  

Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 3