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Age dependent cerebrospinal fluid-tissue water exchange detected by non-invasive magnetization transfer indirect spin labeling MRI

Assessment of Pulsatile Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics of the Human Brain using CArdiac-cycle Resolved Diffusion-weighted Imaging (CARDI)

Contrast Agent Transport in Mouse Glymphatic System Observed by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI

Effects of the cardiac and respiratory cycles on CSF-mobility in human subarachnoid and perivascular spaces

High spatial resolution real-time imaging of respiratory effects on cerebrospinal fluid flow at 7T

On the origin of a potential clearance marker: The contribution of enlarged perivascular fluid diffusion to a 7T IVIM interstitial fluid proxy

Quantitative imaging of brain to cerebrospinal fluid molecular clearance

Real-Time Phase Contrast MRI to quantify Cerebral arterial flow variationsduring normal breathing