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Accuracy and Precision of a Breast Diffusion Phantom Across 3T Scanners

Automated patient-level detection of grade group =2 prostate cancer using quantitative restriction spectrum imaging MRI

Correcting B0 inhomogeneity-induced distortions in whole-body diffusion MRI of bone metastases

Correction of Artifacts Induced by B0 Inhomogeneities with RPG on a Breast Diffusion Phantom

Diffusion Properties of Ovaries in Pre-Menopausal Women Using a Bi-Exponential Model

Fast Longitudinal Image REgistration (FLIRE) for Breast MRI

Improved assessment of prostate-cancer bone metastases through multicompartmental analysis of whole-body DWI data

Leveraging a multicompartmental signal model for improved classification of prostate-cancer bone metastases in whole-body DWI

Three-component diffusion model with deformable registration forautomated evaluation of response to neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer