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3D time of flight MRA using radial-based gradient echo pulse sequence with modified DIXON of the aortic arch bifurcation

Free-breathing T1-weighted black-blood vessel wall MRI based on radial imaging with motion sensitized driven equilibrium (MSDE) preparation

Inter-rater reliability of sciatic nerve evaluation with MR neurography: a comparison study of multiple sequences

Multi-VENC 4D flow MRI demonstrates pulmonary stenosis and arterial-pulmonary collateral incongenital conotruncal anomaly

Noise reduction in diffusion tensor imaging of the brachial plexus using single-shot DW-EPI with Compressed SENSE

Non-contrast-enhanced MR venography of lower extremity using balanced-TFE mDIXON with robust water-fat swap correction

Renal hypoxia estimated by O2-inhalation T2* BOLD MRI: association with renal dysfunction and left ventricular remodeling in cardiomyopathy