Application value of DKI combined with APT in differentiating pathological grades of squamous cell carcinoma of cervix

Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging on 3D Uterus Imaging

Correlation analysis between amide proton transfer weighted and blood flow status in infarct core of patients with subacute ischemic stroke

Correlation analysis between APTW and blood flow status in the ischemic penumbra of patients with subacute ischemic stroke

Correlation between APTw changes and regional cerebral oxygen metabolism in ischemic tissue of patients with subacute ischemic stroke

Diffusion Weighted whole body Imaging with Background body signal suppression with three b value for tumorlike lesion detection in abdomen

Evaluation of APT imaging in parotid glands and strategy in clinical usage

Author:Yu Chen  Tong Su  Zhuhua Zhang  Zhentan Xu  Xiaoqi Wang  Huadan Xue  Zhengyu Jin  

Institution:Peking Union Medical College Hospital  Philips Healthcare, Beijing, China  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

Topic:Spinal Cord, Head and Neck  

Session Name:Head & Neck  

Program Number:1188  

Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 2  

Explore performance of 3D MRCP with different compressed-sensing acceleration factors