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Acquisition Parameter Conditioned Generative Adversarial Network for Enhanced MR Image Synthesis

Automated Deep-Learning-based Inversion Time Selection for Cardiac Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging

Deep learning-based partial Fourier reconstruction for improved prostate DWI

DeepECG: Towards 3-D Continuous Cardiac MRI without ECG-Gating - Deep Learning-based R-Wave Classification for Automated Cardiac Phase Binning

Fully embedded parallel transmission: Stable performances using universal pulses with fast online customization

Learning how to Clean Fingerprints -- Deep Learning based Separated Artefact Reduction and Regression for MR Fingerprinting

MoPED: Motion Parameter Estimation DenseNet for accelerating retrospective motion correction

A Robust Deep-Learning-based Automated Cardiac Resting Phase Detection: Validation in a Prospective Study