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Assessing the variation of MR and non-invasive markers in compensated cirrhosis: insights for assessing disease progression

Assessment of Acute Kidney Injury and associated longitudinal changes with recovery using multiparametric renal MRI

Automated Renal Segmentation in Healthy and Chronic Kidney Disease Subjects Using A Convolutional Neural Network

Comparing intradialytic effects of standard vs cooled haemodialysis on cerebral blood flow and cardiac function using MRI

A Comparison of T2 Mapping Methods in the Kidneys

Author:Alexander Daniel  Eleanor Cox  Charlotte Buchanan  Susan Francis  

Institution:University of Nottingham  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Wednesday, 12 August 2020  

Topic:MRI of the Kidneys  

Session Name:Kidney  

Program Number:0944  

Room Live Q&A Session:Wednesday Parallel 3  

Effect of spatial resolution on Gradient Echo Magnetic Resonance Elastography at 3T

Quantitative MRI to assess portal hypertension in cirrhosis patients

Travelling kidneys: Multicentre multivendor variability of renal BOLD and T1 mapping – preliminary results