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Blockade of lymphatic drainage to deep cervical lymph nodes impacts CSF flow and brain morphometry

Comprehensive MRI reveals compromised baseline cardiac function in lung cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy treatment

Author:El-Sayed Ibrahim  Elizabeth Gore  Sherry-Ann Brown  Carmen Bergom  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 18: Cardiac  

Session Name:Cardiac III  

Program Number:4925  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Medical College of Wisconsin  Washington University  

Correlations of inflammation metrics from multi echo T2 relaxation and multi-shell diffusion imaging in multiple sclerosis

MRI-derived contractility index as an early measure of thoracic radiation therapy-induced subclinical cardiotoxicity

Author:El-Sayed Ibrahim  John Baker  Carmen Bergom  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 18: Cardiac  

Session Name:Cardiac III  

Program Number:4930  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Medical College of Wisconsin  Washington University  

Multi-band echo-planar spectroscopic imaging of hyperpolarized 13C probes in a compact preclinical PET/MR scanner

Myelin water and multi-shell diffusion imaging provide unique information about multiple sclerosis myelin and axonal damage

Myelin water and multi-shell diffusion imaging provide unique information about multiple sclerosis myelin and axonal damage

Simultaneous Assessment of Complementary Metabolic Pathways in Liver Using Co-polarized Hyperpolarized 13C pyruvate and 13C dihydroxyacetone

Tendon Structure Function