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4D flow MRI derived global intracranial pulse wave velocity and T1 white matter hypointensities among a population-based group of older people

4D flow MRI derived global intracranial pulse wave velocity and T1 white matter hypointensities among a population-based group of older people

Author:Cecilia Björnfot  Anders Eklund  Jenny Larsson  William Hansson  Sara Qvarlander  Lars-Owe Koskinen  Jan Malm  Anders Wåhlin  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


Session Name:Poster: MRA & Flow  

Program Number:0085  

Room Session:Power Pitch Theatre 1  

Institution:Umeå University  

Brain functional fingerprinting predicts individual differences in cognition: An AI-based approach

Denoising and Uncertainty Estimation in parameter mapping With Bayesian Deep Image Prior

Denoising and Uncertainty Estimation in parameter mapping With Bayesian Deep Image Prior

Health complaints subjectively associated with static magnetic field and acoustic noise exposure among MR personnel in Sweden

Longitudinal associations between 4D flow MRI intracranial pulsatility, white matter lesions, and perivascular space dilation across 5 years

Longitudinal associations between 4D flow MRI intracranial pulsatility, white matter lesions, and perivascular space dilation across 5 years

Author:Tomas Vikner  Nina Karalija  Anders Eklund  Jan Malm  Lars Nyberg  Anders Wåhlin  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  


Session Name:Outstanding Abstracts from the Annual Meeting  

Program Number:0019  

Room Session:ICC Capital Hall 2  

Institution:Umeå University  

Measuring Intracranial Flow & Pressure

Author:Anders Wåhlin  

Session Type:Weekday Course  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  


Session Name:Intracranial Pressure  

Program Number:

Room Session:S11 (Breakout A)  

Institution:Umeå University  

Quantitative imaging of brain to cerebrospinal fluid molecular clearance