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Automatic selection of the optimal kernel size for Helmholtz-based EPT

The first MR Electrical Properties Tomography (MR-EPT) reconstruction challenge

Author:Stefano Mandija  Cornelis van den Berg  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 23: MR Contrasts  

Session Name:Thermometry & Electrical Property Mapping  

Program Number:0704  

Room Session:N11 (Breakout A)  

Institution:UMC Utrecht  

Generalizable synthetic multi-contrast MRI generation using physics-informed convolutional networks

Iterative MR-Electrical Properties Tomography using physics-based deep learning

Real-timemyocardiallandmark-trackingforMRI-guidedcardiac radio-ablationusing Gaussian Processes

Author:Niek Huttinga  Osman Akdag  Martin Fast  Joost Verhoeff  Alessandro Sbrizzi  Stefano Mandija  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 18: Cardiac  

Session Name:Pitch: Quantifying the Heart  

Program Number:0014  

Room Session:Power Pitch Theatre 1  

Institution:University Medical Center Utrecht  

Real-timemyocardiallandmark-trackingforMRI-guidedcardiac radio-ablationusing Gaussian Processes

Author:Niek Huttinga  Osman Akdag  Martin Fast  Joost Verhoeff  Alessandro Sbrizzi  Stefano Mandija  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


Session Name:Poster: Quantifying the Heart  

Program Number:0014  

Room Session:Power Pitch Theatre 1  

Institution:University Medical Center Utrecht  

A semi-realistic and reusable 3D printed brain phantom for MR-based Electrical Properties Tomography