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Comparison of MR-based low-frequency electrical conductivity tensor using DT-MREIT and CTI: a biological tissue phantom study

Imaging of electromagnetic field distribution in deep brain stimulation (DBS): a biological tissue phantom study

Implementation of multi-contrast, multi-echo SAGE-fMRI in aging and Alzheimer's disease

MR Electrical Impedance Tomography (MREIT) of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)

    Passive Tunable RF Leakage Canceller for Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) RF Coils at 1.5T Imaging

    Phase Dispersion from Steady-State Signal Behavior in Phase-Sensitive Multiband Imaging with Application to MREIT

    Variational Feedback Network for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction

    Wirelessly controlled stand-alone automatic RF tuning and matching system for preclinical imaging at 7T