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Analysis of Deep Learning models for Diagnostic Image Quality Assessment in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Deep subspace learning: Enhancing speed and scalability of deep learning-based reconstruction of dynamic imaging data

Author:Christopher Sandino  Frank Ong  Shreyas Vasanawala  

Institution:Stanford University  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

Topic:Novel Pulse Sequences and Reconstruction Techiques  

Session Name:Novel Acquisitions & Reconstructions  

Program Number:0599  

Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 4  

Double Echo Steady State (DESS) Cones for Non-Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI

Free-breathing Abdominal Fat Spectroscopy with Multi-Echo Rosette k-space Sampling

Free-Breathing QSM and R2* Mapping of Hepatic Iron Overload Using a 3D Multi-Echo Cones Trajectory

Author:Youngwook Kee  Christopher Sandino  Joseph Cheng  Timothy Colgan  Diego Hernando  Ann Shimakawa  Shreyas Vasanawala  

Institution:GE Healthcare  Stanford University  University of Wisconsin-Madison  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Abdominopelvic MRI - Benign  

Session Name:Liver: Iron & Bile  

Program Number:2535  

Room Live Q&A Session:

On the Feasibility of Noncontrast Valvular Cine MRI with High Spatial Resolution and High Frame Rate Using Deep-learning-powered Acceleration

Author:Peng Lai  Christopher Sandino  Shreyas Vasanawala  Anne Menini  Haonan Wang  Anja Brau  Martin Janich  

Institution:GE Healthcare  Stanford University  

Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch  

Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

Topic:Novel imaging techniques for CMR  

Session Name:Cardiovascular Power Pitch: Technical  

Program Number:1100  

Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 3  

Ungated, Motion Robust, Simultaneous Cardiac and Liver T2* Quantification via Rosette k-Space Sampling