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Age-specific DTI templates for human brain from 28 days  to children

Alterations in brain white matter structural network in children with seizure and cognitive dysfunction

Depicting White Matter Developmental Trajectory Using Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging:from neonate through childhood

Hemispheric asymmetry of brain motor-related white matter:a diffusion kurtosis imaging study

How does Microstructural in lntra-axonal and Extra-axonl Space Change in Preterm Infants with Punctate White Matter Lesions?

Left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus is key anatomical location of cognitive delay in preterm infants with mild white matter injury

The Morphological Development of Hand Knob Areas in Children Aged 6m to 10 years

Spatiotemporal changes of optic radiation from 3-13 years: a diffusion tensor imaging study