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Assessment of partial volume effects in MRS voxels applying an Altas-based brain segmentation to high-resolution 3D MRI of rat brain

Author:Chi-Hyeon Yoo  Hyeon-Man Baek  Bo-Young Choe  

Institution:Gacheon University  The Catholic University of Korea  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:New Techniques in MRS  

Session Name:MRS Technical 1  

Program Number:2870  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Comparison of Basal Ganglia-based Structural Connectome between 6-OHDA-induced Parkinson Mouse Model and Normal Mouse Model

Author:Ayoon Kim  Hyeon-Man Baek  

Institution:Gachon University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Diffusion Microstructure, Modeling and Tractography  

Session Name:Orientation Modelling & Fibre Tractography 2  

Program Number:4481  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Comparison of interconnected basal ganglia probabilistic tractography between 3T and 7T MRI Images

Author:Jae-Hyuk Shim  Hyeon-Man Baek  

Institution:Gachon University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Diffusion Microstructure, Modeling and Tractography  

Session Name:Orientation Modelling & Fibre Tractography 2  

Program Number:4479  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Comparison of interconnected basal ganglia probabilistic tractography between Parkinson's disease patients and controls

Author:Jae-Hyuk Shim  Hyeon-Man Baek  

Institution:Gachon University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  


Session Name:Typical & Atypical Parkinson's Diseases  

Program Number:1536  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Detecting neuronal connectivity using diffusion tensor imaging in a Parkinson`s disease mouse basal ganglia using 9.4T MRI

Author:Sang-Jin Im  Hyeon-Man Baek  

Institution:Gachon University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Diffusion Microstructure, Modeling and Tractography  

Session Name:Orientation Modelling & Fibre Tractography 2  

Program Number:4482  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Neurodegenerative changes in the brain of Alzheimer’s mice investigated by high-field 1H-31P MRS and segmentation on high-resolution MRI

Author:Chi-Hyeon Yoo  Hyeon-Man Baek  Bo-Young Choe  

Institution:Gacheon University  The Catholic University of Korea  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Proton MRS and Other Nuclei MR  

Session Name:31P MRS & MRI  

Program Number:2971  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Semi-automated tractography analysis using a Allen mouse brain atlas : comparing DTI acquisition between NEX and SNR

Author:SangJIn Im  Hyeon-Man Baek  

Institution:Gachon University  

Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch  

Session Live Q&A Date:Wednesday, 12 August 2020  

Topic:Diffusion Acquisition and Reconstruction  

Session Name:Diffusion: Acquisition, Reconstruction & Processing  

Program Number:0977  

Room Live Q&A Session:Wednesday Parallel 4