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Associations of Cardiac Rhythm with left atrial and left atrial appendage hemodynamics measured with 4D flow in Atrial Fibrillation

Author:Amanda DiCarlo  Justin Baraboo  Patrick McCarthy  Rishi Arora  Rod Passman  Philip Greenland  Daniel Lee  Daniel Kim  Michael Markl  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 18 May 2021  

Topic:Velocity & Flow  

Session Name:Velocity & Flow: Applications  

Program Number:2066  

Room Session:Concurrent 4  

Institution:Northwestern University  

Automated Segmentation of the Left Atrium from 3D Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging using Deep Learning

Novel Stochastic 4D Flow Signatures of time-resolved 3D left atrial flow-field alterations in atrial fibrillation

Author:Thara Nallamothu  Amanda DiCarlo  Daniel Lee  Daniel Kim  Rishi Arora  Michael Markl  Phillip Greenland  Rod Passman  Mohammed Elbaz  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday, 18 May 2021  

Topic:Velocity & Flow  

Session Name:Velocity & Flow  

Program Number:0306  

Room Session:Concurrent 4  

Institution:Northwestern University  

Optimized Density Compensation Function for Filtered Backprojection and Compressed Sensing Reconstruction in Radial k-space MRI

Predictive Value of Myo-inositol Measured by MRSI during Anti-angiogenic Treatment in Recurrent Glioblastoma

Rapid De-aliasing of Undersampled Real-Time Phase-Contrast MRI Images using Generative Adversarial Network with Optimal Loss Terms

Author:Huili Yang  Amanda DiCarlo  Daming Shen  Hassan Haji-Valizadeh  Michael Markl  Daniel Kim  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:Real-Time Cardiac MRI  

Session Name:Towards Real-Time Cardiac MRI  

Program Number:2874  

Room Session:Concurrent 2  

Institution:Northwestern University