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Characterization and elimination of X-nuclear eddy current artifacts on clinical MR systems

Large field of view Sodium-23 and Carbon-13 imaging at 3T using a dedicated multinuclear birdcage body coil

Author:Joshua Kaggie  Titus Lanz  Mary McLean  Frank Riemer  Rolf Schulte  Martin Graves  Fiona Gilbert  Ferdia Gallagher  

Institution:GE Healthcare  Haukeland University Hospital  RAPID Biomedical GmbH  University of Cambridge  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:RF coils  

Session Name:Multinuclear RF Coils  

Program Number:4109  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Quantitative Bilateral Sodium and Proton Breast Imaging at 3T

Quantitative sodium imaging in the carotid and aorta

Utilising preclinical 23Na MRI to probe the ionic microenvironment of breast cancer: developing novel diagnostics to probe treatment efficacy.