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Deep Simultaneous Optimization of Sampling and Reconstruction for Multi-contrast MRI

Author:Xinwen Liu  Jing Wang  Fangfang Tang  Shekhar Chandra  Feng Liu  Stuart Crozier  

Institution:The University of Queensland  Griffith University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:ML: Image Reconstruction  

Session Name:Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction 3  

Program Number:3619  

Room Live Q&A Session:

The effect of noise on myelin assessment by multi-exponential fitting for varying white matter fibre geometries

Higher levels of myelination were observed in chronic fatigue syndrome patients relative to healthy controls

MR signal modelling comparison and its influence on tissue parameters using gradient-echo MRI at 7 Telsa

Neurochemical Deregulation in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Rapid Region-of-Interest MRI Reconstruction Using Context-Aware Non-Local U-Net

Author:Xinwen Liu  Jing Wang  Fangfang Tang  Hongfu Sun  Feng Liu  Stuart Crozier  

Institution:The University of Queensland  Griffith University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:ML: Image Reconstruction  

Session Name:Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction 2  

Program Number:3601  

Room Live Q&A Session: