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5D Flow Tensor MRI with Multipoint Encoding for Efficient Mapping of Reynolds Stresses in the In-vivo Aorta

Anemia, silent stroke, and vascular abnormalities independently contribute to microstructural integrity in Tanzanian sickle cell patients

Microstructural cardiac remodelling in aortic stenosis and its reversibility following valve replacement – a CMR diffusion tensor imaging study

MRI profiling of focal cortical dysplasia using advanced diffusion models

Rapid Whole-Heart 3D Cine Using a Golden Ratio Stack of Spirals Trajectory

Author:Javier Montalt-Tordera  Grzegorz Kowalik  Alexander Gotschy  Jennifer Steeden  Vivek Muthurangu  

Institution:Great Ormond Street Hospital  UCL  ETH Zurich  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Cardiovascular Techniques  

Session Name:CMR: Emerging Techniques  

Program Number:2249  

Room Live Q&A Session: