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Association between brain structural alteration and emotional change in depressive patients with suicidal ideation with GQI

Detecting brain structural abnormality associated with breast cancer and chemotherapy using GQI

Effect of memory retrieval-extinction procedure on the brain of patients in smoking cessation revealed by resting-state fMRI

Evaluate thrombolysis effect of focused ultrasound in different thrombus ages by MRI

Investigating the brain volume and shape correlates of reading performance in children with reading difficulties

Investigation of chemotherapy-induced brain volume and shape change in breast cancer women

Monitoring of Focused Ultrasound Induced Stable Cavitation by Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: In Vivo Experiments

Predicting suicidal ideation from depressive patients using autoencoder machine-learning model with brain generalized q-sampling imaging

Total Choline Level on MRS Predicts Overall Survival for Endometrial Cancer and Correlates with Tissue Choline Metabolism

Author:Gigin Lin  Shang-Yueh Tsai  Yu-Chun Lin  Chiao-Yun Lin  Ren-Chin Wu  Chyong-Huey Lai  

Institution:Chang Gung Memorial Hospital  National Chengchi University  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

Topic:Women's Imaging  

Session Name:Female Pelvis  

Program Number:0586  

Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 3