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Automatic no-reference image quality evaluation of DWI in uterine malignancy at 3T with iShim, RESOLVE, and ss-EPI sequences – a feasibility study

Comparison of iShim, RESOLVE, and ss-EPI diffusion-weighted MR imaging with high b value at 3T MR in the evaluation of uterine malignancy

Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging of Cervical Carcinoma: Correlation between Imaging Parameters and Histological Findings

Early Prediction of Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Using Multi-Modal Diffusion MRI with Machine-Learning

Author:Muge Karaman  Shunan Che  Rahul Mehta  Guangyu Dan  Zheng Zhong  Han Ouyang  X. Zhou  Xinming Zhao  

Institution:Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences  University of Illinois at Chicago  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

Topic:Women's Imaging  

Session Name:Breast  

Program Number:0572  

Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 3  

A novel RXDLXXL-coupled peptide-conjugated USPIO nanoparticles for integrin avß6-targeted MR molecular imaging

Parameters From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Are Biomarkers Predicting Response after Radiotherapy to Brain Metastases

Synthetic magnetic resonance imaging-derived histogram metrics for prediction of lymph node metastasis in rectal cancer