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A comparative study of non-contrast enhanced 3D TRANCE and 3D Balanced FFE imaging of pulmonary artery with Time-SLIP

A comparative study on TRANCE and bFFE imaging of hepatic portal vein with Time-SLIP

Comparison between 4D Flow in abdominal magnetic resonance imaging for portal vein using SENSE and Compressed SENSE

Evaluating collateral circulation and its association with clinical outcomes in patients with ischemic stroke using random vessel-encoded ASL

Mapping fetal brain development based on automated brain segmentation and 4D brain atlasing

Whole Brain Cerebral Oxygenation Measurements in Fetuses Using 4D MRI

Author:Jing Liu  Yan WANG  Duan Xu  Patrick McQuillen  Shabnam Peyvandi  

Institution:University of California San Francisco  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Pediatric: Fetal & Developmental Brain  

Session Name:Pediatric Fetal  

Program Number:4581  

Room Live Q&A Session: