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Association of Brain Functional Connectivity with Dizziness is Modulated by Executive Functions in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Early Changes in Diffusion Tensor Metrics between Different Final Damage Outcomes after Experimental Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemia

Fast scan with a wave-CAIPI MPRAGE sequence to minimize motion artifacts in pediatric T1-weighted imaging

Functional Reorganization and Behavioral Recovery in Rats with Repetitive Closed-head Injury after Drug Treatment

Visualization of Nigrosome-1 with Improved Contrast-to-noise Ratio and Correlation with Signals on Neuromelanin-sensitive MRI

Author:Tzu-Wei Lee  Chao-Wei Tso  Kuan Chen  Cheng-Yu Chen  Hua-Shan Liu  

Institution:Taipei Medical University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  


Session Name:Typical & Atypical Parkinson's Diseases  

Program Number:1527  

Room Live Q&A Session: