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EMI-Suppressed Gradient-Free Phase-Encoded Imaging at 47.5mT Using an Optimized Square-Root Solenoid for Encoding and a Saddle Coil for Imaging

Fast 3D acquisition of wave displacement in vivo for low-field MRE: application in the human forearm

Low-cost Modular RFPA Platform for Gradient-Free Quantitative Imaging

A New Approach to Shimming Halbach Arrays Using Higher Order Halbach Array Inserts

Author:Thomas O'Reilly  Wouter Teeuwisse  Andrew Webb  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 8: Safety, Low-Field, and Interventional  

Session Name:Low-Field MRI: System Development  

Program Number:0063  

Room Session:S11 (Breakout B)  

Institution:Leiden University Medical Center