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Accurate Estimation of Fiber Orientations in the Mouse Brain from Diffusion MRI Signals: Learning from Histological Ground Truth

Author:Zifei Liang  Tanzil Arefin  Choong Lee  Jiangyang Zhang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 1: fMRI  

Session Name:Structural & Functional Connectivity  

Program Number:4760  

Room Session:6  

Institution:NYU Langone Health  

Linking Histology with Multi-Contrast MRI via Deep Learning

Author:Jiangyang Zhang  

Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  


Session Name:Harnessing Histology for Microstructure Imaging  

Program Number:

Room Session:ICC Capital Hall 1  

Institution:New York University  

    Multivariate mapping of cortical myeloarchitecture in the macaque cortex

    Whole brain mapping of transcranial electrical stimulation-induced effects by BOLD-fMRI in rats

    Whole brain mapping of transcranial electrical stimulation-induced effects by BOLD-fMRI in rats

    Author:Mihaly Voroslakos  Tanzil Arefin  Jiangyang Zhang  Leeor Alon  Gyorgy Buzsaki  

    Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  


    Session Name:Poster: Preclinical Neuro  

    Program Number:0418  

    Room Session:Power Pitch Theatre 1  

    Institution:NYU Langone Health  NYU School of Medicine