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Deuterium magnetic resonance spectroscopy using 2H-pyruvate allows in vivo imaging of tumor burden and response to therapy

Author:Georgios Batsios  Celine Taglang  Meryssa Tran  Anne Marie Gillespie  Sabrina Ronen  Joseph Costello  Pavithra Viswanath  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Cancer  

Program Number:0676  

Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 14-16  


Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-alanine monitors tumor immortality and detects response to therapy in patient-derived glioblastoma models in vivo

MRS-Detectable Metabolic Biomarkers of TERT positive Glioblastoma

Preclinical platform for the identification of deuterium magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based biomarkers of tumor metabolism

Proton and hyperpolarized 13C MRS based biomarkers response to the BAY-1436032 IDH inhibitor in cell and in vivo glioma models