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GraspMRA: High Temporal Resolution, Non-Contrast Enhanced, Time-Resolved 4D MR Angiography Using Golden-angle Radial Sparse Parallel Imaging

k-Space Weighted Image Average (KWIA) for ASL-based Dynamic MRA and Perfusion Imaging

Layer-dependent 7T ASL reveals sensory input and motor output perfusion activity in human primary motor cortex

Optimization of post-labeling delays in multi-delay 3D pCASL by modeling arterial transit time distribution

Author:Zhiyuan Zhang  Timothy Macaulay  Lirong Yan  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:Arterial Spin Labelling  

Session Name:Arterial Spin Labelling: Methods  

Program Number:2715  

Room Session:Concurrent 4  

Institution:University of Southern California