k-Space Weighted Image Average (KWIA) for ASL-based Dynamic MRA and Perfusion Imaging
Chenyang Zhao1, Xingfeng Shao1, Lirong Yan1, and Danny JJ Wang1
1Laboratory of Functional MRI Technology (LOFT), Mark & Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States


The intrinsically low SNR of ASL techniques is a main limitation that hinders their clinical translations. This work presented a novel denoising algorithm for dynamic MRI termed KWIA and evaluated its use in multi-delay ASL and ASL-based 4D dMRA. KWIA improves SNR without compromising spatial and temporal resolution by progressively increasing the neighboring time frames for view-shared averaging for more distal k-space regions. Experimental results showed that KWIA can provide significant SNR improvement that enables better visualization and quantification for both multi-delay ASL and ASL-based 4D dMRA as well as other dynamic MRI techniques.


Arterial spin labeling (ASL) offers noninvasive measurement of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and can be applied for non-contrast time-resolved 4D dynamic MRA (dMRA). In particular, multi-delay ASL enables the visualization of flow dynamics and quantification of multiple hemodynamic parameters1,2. However, the intrinsically low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) hampers the clinical utility of ASL techniques. The purpose of this study is to present a novel denoising algorithm termed k-space weighted image average (KWIA)3 originally proposed for low dose CT perfusion to improve the SNR of dynamic MRI without compromising the spatial and temporal resolution or quantification accuracy. In this study, we first presented the theoretical framework of KWIA and evaluated its performance in terms of SNR, temporal blurring, and quantification on in vivo data.


KWIA is a retrospective denoising method that divides the k-space into multiple rings, as shown in Figure 1(a). A symmetric moving averaging window with a window size determined by N, the number of rings, slides from the beginning to the end of the time series. When the KWIA window is applied to a selected time frame, the central ring of this k-space remains intact to preserve the image contrast and temporal resolution, while outer rings are progressively averaged between neighboring time frames to increase SNR. As shown in Figure 1(b), the expected SNR improvement by KWIA increases with a greater N, and a smaller K, the ratio of the central ring to the full radius, under the assumption that the noise in k-space is uniformly distributed additive Gaussian noise with zero-mean. Unlike project view-sharing techniques such as k-space weighted image contrast (KWIC)4, KWIA can be applied on data acquired with any k-space trajectory or order. KWIA can also be directly applied to raw k-space data or that converted from MR images by FFT. The KWIA-filtered k-space data can then be converted to denoised MRI using inverse FFT. Since the image contrast is primarily determined by central k-space, KWIA improves SNR while preserving the temporal and spatial resolution of dynamic MRI.


A Shepp-Logan digital phantom with simulated noise was created to evaluate the performance of KWIA under various simulated MRI conditions listed in Figure 1(c). The ASL data was acquired on a Siemens Prisma 3T scanner using a 15-delay pCASL protocol with 3D GRASE readout (PLD=500:160:2740 ms, voxel size=3×3×4 mm, matrix=64×64×30, single repetition, total 10min). The dMRA data was acquired on a Siemens Tim Trio 3T scanner (bSSFP-based multi-phase 3D Cartesian acquisition, 22 time frames, PLD=225:105:2445 ms, voxel size=1×1×1.5 mm, 75% partial FT along phase directions; in-plane GRAPPA with R=2, matrix=220×176×32, total 6min). KWIA was applied with the following (N, K) configurations: (2, 0.58), (3, 0.4), and (3, 0.18) to gain 1.4, 1.7, and 2 folds SNR increase, respectively. The temporal blurring effect was evaluated using arterial input function (AIF) from the middle cerebral artery (MCA) for dMRA and subtracted perfusion signals from gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) for ASL. For quantification, arterial blood flow (aBF) and arterial transit time (ATT) were calculated using Block-circulant singular value decomposition (cSVD)5 for dMRA (with 15% threshold). Moreover, CBF, ATT, arterial cerebral blood volume (aCBV), arterial bolus arrival time (aBAT), and residual maps were derived using two-compartment model fitting6 for 15-delay pCASL.

Results and discussion

As shown in Figure 1(c), the SNR improvements using KWIA match the predicted ratios under most simulated MRI conditions, except for k-space filtering and zero-filling, where a small drop (~10%) was observed. Figure 2 shows five consecutive time frames of dMRA MIP images with and without 1.7-fold-SNR KWIA. KWIA revealed distal vasculatures that were overwhelmed by noise in original dMRA. This reappearance of distal vasculatures due to improved SNR can be differentiated from the temporal blurring of neighboring frames because no such structures can be visually captured within the KWIA window. Figure 3 shows perfusion images of 15-delay pCASL with and without 2-fold-SNR KWIA. KWIA significantly improved image quality and visualization of dynamic perfusion signals without introducing notable spatial and temporal smoothing. Figure 4 (a) and (b) demonstrate the excellent consistency between the measured SNR improvement and the predicted ratio for dMRA and ASL data, respectively. In Figure 4 (c) and (d), despite a 5% signal drop at the peak of AIF of dMRA, the AIF of dMRA and GM/WM signal of ASL was not severely affected by KWIA with NRMSE of 0.024 and 0.008/0.023, respectively, suggesting negligible temporal blurring was introduced. Figure 5 (a) and (b) display the quantitative parametric maps of dMRA and ASL, respectively. KWIA did not adversely affect the quantification results. Instead, benefiting from the improved SNR, KWIA recovered the missing distal vasculatures in original aBF and ATT maps for dMRA and suppressed the residue for ASL.


A novel denoising algorithm for dynamic MRI termed KWIA was presented to improve SNR of ASL-based dMRA and perfusion without compromising the spatial and temporal resolution or quantification accuracy. KWIA is applicable to other dynamic MRI techniques such as dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI.


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(a) Schematic diagram of KWIA with 3 rings. When KWIA is applied to the selected time frame, 5 frames within the KWIA window are weighted averaged and synthesized to a KWIA-filtered k-space. The weighting function and KWIA-filtered k-space are given. (b) Predicted theoretical SNR improvement of KWIA with 2, 3, and 4 rings. SNR improvement increases with greater number of rings and smaller ratio of the first ring to the full radius. (C) Simulated SNR improvements under 7 MRI conditions that are consistent with expected ratios.

Five consecutive ASL-based 4D dMRA images with and without 1.7-fold-SNR KWIA. The distal vasculatures (pointed by arrows) overwhelmed by noise can be recovered by KWIA, suggesting strong enhancement of dynamic visualization by KWIA.

Comparison of the original and KWIA-filtered 15-delay pCASL perfusion images. Two-fold SNR improvement was achieved by KWIA resulting in better image quality and dynamic visualization. No obvious degradation of spatial and temporal resolution was found.

The measured SNR improvement profiles for ASL-based 4D dMRA (a) and multi-delay ASL (b) showing good consistency compared to the theoretical predicted profiles. The AIF of dMRA shown in (c) was not severely affected by KWIA while the signal drops 5% at the peak. The KWIA-filtered PWI signals of gray and white matter in (d) were almost identical to the original signals.

The quantitative parametric maps for ASL-based 4D dMRA (a) and multi-delay ASL (b). Both aBF and ATT maps from KWIA-filtered dMRA show better coverage for the distal vasculatures compared to the original ones. For ASL, visually comparable CBF, ATT, aCBV, and aBAT maps were generated from the original and KWIA-filtered ASL. A significant suppressed residue is observed potentially due to the improved SNR.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)