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In vivo human T2* imaging at 0.35 mm reveals up to 15 ms of local variations within gray matter across depths at 7T

Mapping digit-representations in BA3b during stimulation and investigating their intrinsic connectivity at rest using VASO

Author:Sebastian Dresbach  Renzo Huber  Rainer Goebel  Amanda Kaas  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:0635  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University  

VASO-fMRI with Nordic-PCA for laminar sensory testing at 7 Tesla

Author:Nils Nothnagel  Alison Symon  Andrew Morgan  Renzo Huber  John Riddell  Jozien Goense  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:0632  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Maastricht University  NIH  University of Glasgow  

Whole brain layer-fMRI: An open dataset for methods benchmarking