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Assessment of Free-Breathing Radial Magnetic Resonance Elastography in Healthy Children and Children with Liver Disease at 3T

Automated MR HIC Determination using Deep Learning and Frangi Filters

Confirming outcomes of disrupted white matter integrity in an independent cohort of children treated for medulloblastoma

Less Integrated and Less Efficient Structural Brain Networks in Children Treated for ALL

Author:Wilburn Reddick  John Glass  Ruitian Song  Ching-Hon Pui  Sima Jeha  

Institution:St. Jude Children's Research Hospital  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Pediatric: Brain Structure & Function  

Session Name:Pediatric Neuro: Structural & Functional Networks  

Program Number:4639  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping using a Multi-spectral ARMA Model for Assessment of Hepatic Iron Overload