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Session Time:

Predicting In Vivo MRI Gradient-Induced Voltage Levels on Deep Brain Stimulation Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks

Author:M. Arcan Erturk  Mark Conroy  Jacob Chatterton  Riki Banerjee  


Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:MR Safety: PNS & RF Heating  

Program Number:0731  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Room 511BCEF  

Computer Number:

Predicting Pain Trajectories in Knee Osteoarthritis Subjects by Learning Image Biomarkers from Structural MRI

Author:Jinhee Lee  Felix Liu  Sharmila Majumdar  Valentina Pedoia  

Institution:University of California, San Fransisco  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:MSK Techniques & Development: Other MSK  

Program Number:1411  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 153  

Predicting Renal Glomerular Filtration Rate of Children with Account of Kidney Compensation Using Multiple b Values Diffusion-Weighted Imaging

Author:Jianbo Shao  Zhiyao Tian  Xiaowen Wang  Zujun Hou  Xuehua Peng  

Institution:FITPU Healthcare Ltd  Wuhan Children's Hospital, Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science&Technology  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Diffusion: Body Applications  

Program Number:3451  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 114  

Prediction of Ischemic Placental Disease during Early Gestation using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRI

Author:Kyunghyun Sung  Dapeng Liu  Xingfeng Shao  Alibek Danyalov  Teresa Chanlaw  Danny Wang  Carla Janzen  Sherin Devaskar  

Institution:University of California, Los Angeles  University of Southern California  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental MRI  

Program Number:1079  

Presentation Time:10:03   

Room Number:Room 516C-E  

Computer Number:

Prediction of Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy Response in Rectal Cancer Using Radiomics Compared to Deep Learning Based on Pre-Treatment and mid-RT MRI

Author:Yang Zhang  Liming Shi  Ke Nie  Xiaonan Sun  Tianye Niu  Ning Yue  Tiffany Kwong  Peter Chang  Daniel Chow  Jeon-Hor Chen  Min-Ying Su  

Institution:Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey  Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine  University of California  E-Da Hospital and I-Shou University  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Female Pelvis  

Program Number:0101  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Room 518A-C  

Computer Number:

Prediction of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Thresholds of MRI Gradient Coils using Coupled Electromagnetic and Neurodynamic Simulations

Predictive and discriminative localization of IDH genotype in high grade gliomas using deep convolutional neural nets

Author:Adnan Ahmad  Srinjay Sarkar  Apurva Shah  Santosh Vani  Jitender Saini  Madhura Ingalhalikar  

Institution:National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences  Symbiosis International University  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Artificial Intelligence Neuro  

Program Number:0023  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater B - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Predictive Value of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Feature Tracking for Clinical Cardiac Events in Asymptomatic Aortic Stenosis Patients with Normal Ejection Fraction

Author:MOON YOUNG KIM  Eun-Ah Park  Whal Lee  Seung-Pyo Lee  

Institution:Boramae Medical center  Seoul National University Hospital  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Myocardial Function & Deformation  

Program Number:1086  

Presentation Time:09:27   

Room Number:Room 518A-C  

Computer Number:

Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Residual or Reconverted Red Bone Marrow on Knee MRI in Young Adults

Author:Benny Antony  Jasveen Kaur  Tao Meng  Alison Venn  Flavia Cicuttini  Lyn March  Marita Cross  Terence Dwyer  Andrew Halliday  Graeme Jones  Changhai Ding  

Institution:Monash University  Murdoch Childrens Research Institute  Royal Hobart Hospital  University of Sydney  University of Tasmania  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Bone 1  

Program Number:1293  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 35  

Probing the combined effects of collagen concentration and cell density on MR diffusion and relaxivity using a model system

Author:Hannah MacDonald  David Collins  Nandita deSouza  

Institution:The Institute of Cancer Research  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cancer Perfusion, Diffusion & Relaxometry  

Program Number:2366  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 68  

Probing the metabolic response to acute renal injury in mice using multiple hyperpolarized 13C substrates.

Author:Camille Ansermet  Gabriel Centeno  Mario Lepore  Stefanita Mitrea  Analina da Silva  Shinsuke Sando  Dmitri Firsov  Hikari Yoshihara  

Institution:Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)  The University of Tokyo  University of Lausanne  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Hyperpolarized C13 Imaging  

Program Number:0717  

Presentation Time:08:27   

Room Number:Room 510A-D  

Computer Number:

Progress toward on-line implementation of vendor-provided prospective correction for non-uniform diffusion weighting due to gradient nonlinearity

Propeller Echo-Planar Time-resolved Imaging with Dynamic Encoding (PEPTIDE)

Author:Merlin Fair  Fuyixue Wang  Zijing Dong  Berkin Bilgic  Timothy Reese  Kawin Setsompop  

Institution:Massachusetts General Hospital  MIT  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Freeze It: Managing Motion in MRI  

Program Number:0071  

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Room 512A-H  

Computer Number:

Prospective evaluation of motion correction and complex averaging in ultra-high-b-value DWI for image quality and lesion conspicuity in oncologic follow-up examinations

Prospective Fast T1? Mapping of Knee Articular Cartilage using Compressed Sensing

Author:Mingrui Yang  Jeehun Kim  Chaoyi Zhang  Leslie Ying  Xiaojuan Li  

Institution:Cleveland Clinic  University of Buffalo  Case Western Reserve University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cartilage 2, Meniscus, Tendon & Ligament  

Program Number:1408  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 150  

Prospective GIRF-based RF phase cycling to prevent eddy current-induced steady-state disruption in balanced SSFP imaging

Author:Tom Bruijnen  Bjorn Stemkens  Jan Lagendijk  Cornelis van den Berg  Rob Tijssen  

Institution:University Medical Center Utrecht  MR Code BV  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:New Pulses & Encoding Schemes  

Program Number:0762  

Presentation Time:09:27   

Room Number:Room 710A  

Computer Number:

Prospective motion correction for 2D slice-selective FISP-MRF in the brain using an in-bore camera system

Prospective motion correction for compressed sensing 3D TSE sequence

Author:Patrick Hucker  Esther Raithel  Maxim Zaitsev  Axel Krafft  

Institution:Medical Center University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg  Siemens Healthcare GmbH  Siemens Healthcare GmbH  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Motion Correction: Brain  

Program Number:4441  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 68  

Prospective motion correction using a wireless device that combines vector observations of the static magnetic field and the rate of change of the gradient fields.

Author:Adam van Niekerk  Ernesta Meintjes  Andre van der Kouwe  

Institution:Massachusetts General Hospital  University of Cape Town  Harvard Medical School  Harvard Medical School  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Freeze It: Managing Motion in MRI  

Program Number:0067  

Presentation Time:08:27   

Room Number:Room 512A-H  

Computer Number:

Prospects of a Dedicated Nonlinear Gradient for Prostate DWI

Author:Jeffrey Weinreb  Gigi Galiana  

Institution:Yale University  

Session Type:Combined Educational & Scientific Session  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Prostate MRI: New Acquisition & Post-Processing Techniques  

Program Number:0377  

Presentation Time:09:39   

Room Number:Room 516C-E  

Computer Number:

Pseudo-3D Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Brain using Echo Planar Imaging with Compressed SENSE (EPICS)

Author:Kosuke Morita  Masami Yoneyama  Takeshi Nakaura  Seitaro Oda  Masahiro Hatemura  Yasuyuki Yamashita  

Institution:Kumamoto University  Philips Japan  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Image Reconstruction  

Program Number:3355  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 17  

Pulse sequence and reconstruction methods for extraction of spatial variation in multicomponent T2 relaxation for diagnosis of fluid and muscle disorders

Author:Ashvin Bashyam  Chris Frangieh  Michael Cima  

Institution:Massachusetts Institute of Technology  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Muscle 2 & Other MSK  

Program Number:1338  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 80  

QC-Aautomator: A deep learning based automated artifact detection in dMRI data

Author:Zahra Riahi Samani  Jacob Alappatt  Parker Drew  Ragini Verma  

Institution:Radiology, University of Pennsylvania  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Artefact Correction  

Program Number:3410  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 72  

Quantification of Cerebral Blood Flow using arterial spin labeling in glioblastoma multiforme; challenges of calibration in the presence of oedema.

Author:Paula Croal  Flora Kennedy-McConnell  Benjamin Harris  Ruichong Ma  Stasya Ng  Puneet Plaha  Simon Lord  Nicola Sibson  Michael Chappell  

Institution:Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust  University of Oxford  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cancer Metabolism, pH & Oxygenation  

Program Number:2315  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 17  

Quantification of Non-calcified and Calcified Zones in Articular Cartilage using MRI and PLM at Microscopic Resolution

Author:Farid Badar  Yang Xia  

Institution:Oakland University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cartilage 2, Meniscus, Tendon & Ligament  

Program Number:1389  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 131  

Quantification of patellofemoral cartilage deformation and contact area changes in response to static loading via high-resolution MRI with prospective motion correction

Quantifying diffusion-weighted MRI parameters with cellular infiltration, tissue ingrowth, and angiogenesis to characterize collagen-sponge remodeling.

Quantifying diffusivity of ISFIs in vivo using DWI: A novel method to evaluate drug release

Author:Nicole Vike  Xin Li  Kelsey Hopkins  Luis Solorio  Joseph Rispoli  

Institution:Purdue University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Diffusion: Body Applications  

Program Number:3459  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 122  

Quantifying Information Content of Multiparametric MRI Data for Automatic Tumor Segmentation using CNNs

Quantifying liver function using artificial neural networks to estimate gadoxetic-acid uptake rate in temporally sparse gadoxetic-acid enhanced MRI

Author:Josiah Simeth  Yue Cao  

Institution:University of Michigan  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Using MRI to Measure Numbers Outside of the Brain  

Program Number:4383  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 8  

Quantifying T1 and T2* Relaxation Times of Fetal Fat, Fetal Liver, Fetal Kidney, and Amniotic Fluid at 1.5T

Author:Simran Sethi  Stephanie Giza  Mary-Ellen Empey  Barbra de Vrijer  Charles McKenzie  

Institution:Western University  Children’s Health Research Institute  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Fetal & Placental MRI  

Program Number:1071  

Presentation Time:08:27   

Room Number:Room 516C-E  

Computer Number:

Quantifying voxel-wise differences between diffusion propagators across multiple MAP-MRI datasets

Quantitative ADC measurement of breast cancer with ssEPI and reduced FOV diffusion weighted imaging techniques

Quantitative Articular Cartilage Assessment in Patients with Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans (JOCD) at 3T MRI

Author:Kai Ludwig  Casey Johnson  Stefan Zbyn  Shelly Marette  Takashi Takahasi  Jeffrey Macalena  Bradley Nelson  Marc Thompkins  Cathy Carlson  Jutta Ellermann  

Institution:University of Minnesota  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cartilage 1  

Program Number:1311  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 53  

Quantitative characterization of  a capillary-network MRI phantom using restricted diffusion analysis

Author:Astrid Mayr  Moritz Schneider  Thomas Gaass  Katia Parodi  Jens Ricke  Julien Dinkel  Olaf Dietrich  

Institution:LMU University of Munich  German Center for Lung Research  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Microstructure Modelling & Validation  

Program Number:1015  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Quantitative comparison of conventional and synthetic MRI for cortical and trabecular bone architecture: ex vivo study of bovine coccyx

Author:Miyuki Takasu  Yuji Akiyama  Akira Nishikori  Yoko Kaichi  Shogo Maeda  Kazuo Awai  

Institution:Hiroshima University Hospital  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Bone 2 & MSK Tumors  

Program Number:1359  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 101  

Quantitative evaluation and correlation analysis withperiacetabular muscle MRI in children with Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)

Quantitative evaluation of muscular microvascular permeability by DCE-MRI and texture analysis in diabetic rabbits

Author:Bai Yu Liu  Yun Fei Zha  Yang Fan  

Institution:GE Healthcare China  Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Muscle 1  

Program Number:1280  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 22  

Quantitative hip cartilage MRI of patients with hip dysplasia: Evaluation of dGEMRIC, T1? and T2* mapping

Author:Gerd Melkus  Paul Beaulé  Geoffrey Wilkin  Kawan Rakhra  

Institution:The Ottawa Hospital  University of Ottawa  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cartilage 1  

Program Number:1317  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 59  

Quantitative Imaging of Pharmacodynamics in a Phase 1 Clinical Study of the Vascular Disrupting Agent Crolibulin (EPC2407)

Author:Andres Arias Lorza  William Read  Raoul Tibes  Ronald Korn  Natarajan Raghunand  

Institution:Emory University School of Medicine  Imaging Endpoints, LLC  Moffitt Cancer Center  NYU Langone Health  University of South Florida  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cancer Perfusion, Diffusion & Relaxometry  

Program Number:2370  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 72  

Quantitative intra-tumoral-susceptibility-signal (ITSS) vasculature volume (IVV) using QSM vs R2* approach for Glioma Grading

Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging in the Hybrid State

Author:Jakob Assländer  Daniel Sodickson  

Institution:New York University School of Medicine  New York University School of Medicine  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Advances in MR Fingerprinting  

Program Number:1104  

Presentation Time:09:03   

Room Number:Room 710B  

Computer Number:

Quantitative MR Relaxation Imaging of Cartilage Compositional Response to Exercise

Author:Dimitri Kessler  Joshua Kaggie  James MacKay  Alexandra Morgan-Roberts  Robert Janiczek  Martin Graves  Fiona Gilbert  

Institution:GlaxoSmithKline  Independent Clinical Imaging Consultant   University of Cambridge  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:MRI of Normal Musculoskeletal Physiology, Exercise & Biomechanics  

Program Number:0416  

Presentation Time:09:27   

Room Number:Room 518A-C  

Computer Number:

Quantitative MRI to assess disease activity change in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Quantitative multi-parametric MRI reveals micro-structural changes in upper-leg muscles after running a marathon

Quantitative Transport Mapping (QTM) of the Kidney using a Microvascular Network Approximation

Author:Liangdong Zhou  Qihao Zhang  Pascal Spincemaille  Thanh D. Nguyen  Yi Wang  

Institution:Weill Medical College of Cornell University  Cornell University  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Emerging Body Imaging Technologies & Their Translation  

Program Number:0703  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Quantitative Transport Mapping (QTM): a new AIF-free perfusion technique to distinguish malignant and benign breast lesions

Quantitative Evaluation of the Relationship Between the Femoral Trochlear Dysplasia and the Degeneration of the Patellofemoral Cartilage by MR T2mapping Technique

Author:Siran Chen  Xinwei Lei  Yingying An  Ying Zhan  Zhizheng Zhuo  Jin Qu  

Institution:Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare  Tianjin First Center Hospital  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cartilage 2, Meniscus, Tendon & Ligament  

Program Number:1390  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 132