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Session Time:

MRSI Processing & Automation

Author:Brian Soher  

Institution:Duke University Medical Center  

Session Type:Weekday Course  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cutting-Edge MR Spectroscopic Imaging  

Program Number:

Presentation Time:09:15   

Room Number:Room 520A-F  

Computer Number:

MRSI Using Spatial-Spectral Prior Knowledge

Author:Fan Lam  Zhi-Pei Liang  

Institution:University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign  

Session Type:Weekday Course  

Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Cutting-Edge MR Spectroscopic Imaging  

Program Number:

Presentation Time:08:45   

Room Number:Room 520A-F  

Computer Number:

Multi-diffusion time DWI to detect altered microvessel structure in a rat model of hypertension

Author:Lauren Scott  Ben Dickie  Shelley Rawson  Graham Coutts  Tim Burnett  Geoff Parker  Stuart Allan  Laura Parkes  

Institution:University of Manchester  Bioxydyn Limited  

Session Type:Power Pitch  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Pitch: Microstructure Modelling & Validation  

Program Number:1011  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:

Multi-Dimensional Diffusion MRI of the Human Sciatic Nerve

multiMap: A Gradient Spoiled Sequence for Quantitation of B1, B0, T1, T2, T2*, and Fat Fraction

Author:Nicholas Dwork  Adam Kerr  Ethan Johnson  John Pauly  

Institution:Northwestern University  Stanford University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Using MRI to Measure Numbers Outside of the Brain  

Program Number:4384  

Presentation Time:08:15   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

Computer Number:Computer 9  

Multi-modal Imaging in Epilepsy Research

Author:Steven Stufflebeam  

Institution:MGH Martinos  

Session Type:Combined Educational & Scientific Session  

Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

Session Time:08:15  

Session Name:Multimodal fMRI: From Animal to Human  

Program Number:

Presentation Time:09:21   

Room Number:Room 710B  

Computer Number:

    Multi-Modal Imaging: From Animal Models to Human

    Author:Catie Chang  

    Institution:Vanderbilt University  

    Session Type:Combined Educational & Scientific Session  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Multimodal fMRI: From Animal to Human  

    Program Number:

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Room 710B  

    Computer Number:

    Multimodal Stratification Biomarkers: Unravelling Electrophysiological Latency Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder with the help of DTI and MEGAPRESS

    Author:Timothy Roberts  Luke Bloy  Jeffrey Berman  

    Institution:Children's Hospital of Philadelphia  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Pitch: Pediatric - Ain't Misbehaving on Purpose  

    Program Number:0040  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Power Pitch Theater C - Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:

    Multi-parametric MRI analysis of the temporal changes of induced damage and regeneration in dystrophic hind limb muscles

    Author:Ravneet Vohra  Joshua Park  Feng Zhang  Guy Odom  Jeffrey Chamberlain  Donghoon Lee  

    Institution:University of Washington  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Muscle 1  

    Program Number:1281  

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

    Computer Number:Computer 23  

    Multiparametric MRI for Myelin Quantification & AI in Multiple Sclerosis

    Author:Tobias Granberg  


    Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

    Session Time:08:15  

    Session Name:Completing the Circle: Moving Multi-Parametric Neuro MRI into Clinical Practice & Trials  

    Program Number:

    Presentation Time:08:15   

    Room Number:Room 516AB  

    Computer Number:

      Multi-parametric segmentation of whole-brain variability maps of diffusion MRI metrics

      Author:Pedro Luque Laguna  Steve Williams  Flavio Dell'Acqua  

      Institution:King's College London  King's College London  Natbrainlab  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Signal Representation & Modelling  

      Program Number:3485  

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 149  

      Multiparamter MRI Investigation of High-Grade Glioma Response to CAR T Cell Immunotherapy

      Multiple-echo steady-state (MESS): Simultaneous water-fat separation, $$$T_2$$$, $$$T_2^{'}$$$, and $$$T_2^*$$$ mapping in the knee at 3 tesla

      Author:Frank Zijlstra  Peter Seevinck  

      Institution:UMC Utrecht  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Cartilage 1  

      Program Number:1319  

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 61  

      Multi-shot Diffusion EPI Reconstruction with Iterative Rigid Motion-correction and Motion-induced Phase-correction for Brain Imaging

      Author:Malte Steinhoff  Kay Nehrke  Alfred Mertins  Peter Börnert  

      Institution:Philips Research Hamburg  University of Lübeck  LUMC  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Image Reconstruction  

      Program Number:3346  

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 8  

      Multi-Site, Multi-Vendor, and Multi-Platform Reproducibility and Accuracy of Quantitative Proton-Density Fat Fraction (PDFF) at 1.5 and 3 Tesla with a Standardized Spherical Phantom: Preliminary Results from a Study by the RSNA QIBA PDFF Committee

      Multivariate characterization of brain white matter maturation related to intellectual ability in children

      Multivariate template creation of a myelin water brain atlas with GRASE and mcDESPOT

      Author:Adam Dvorak  Hanwen Liu  Emil Ljungberg  Irene Vavasour  Lisa Eunyoung Lee  Alex MacKay  Roger Tam  David Li  Alex Rauscher  Cornelia Laule  Shannon Kolind  

      Institution:King's College  University of British Columbia  

      Session Type:Oral  

      Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Imaging Myelin+  

      Program Number:0424  

      Presentation Time:09:03   

      Room Number:Room 520A-F  

      Computer Number:

      Musculoskeletal Lipid Compartments Separation and Quantification by High-Resolution Metabolite Cycling Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging at 3 T

      Author:Ahmad Alhulail  Pingyu Xia  Xiaopeng Zhou  M. Albert Thomas  Ulrike Dydak  Uzay Emir  

      Institution:Purdue University  University of California Los Angeles  Indiana University School of Medicine  

      Session Type:Combined Educational & Scientific Session  

      Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:MRS of Lipids & Fatty Acids  

      Program Number:0374  

      Presentation Time:09:55   

      Room Number:Room 512A-H  

      Computer Number:

      Myelin Water Fraction Estimation using Small-Tip Fast Recovery MRI

      Author:Steven Whitaker  Gopal Nataraj  Mingjie Gao  Jon-Fredrik Nielsen  Jeffrey Fessler  

      Institution:Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center  University of Michigan  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Quantitative Mapping of the Brain  

      Program Number:4403  

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 30  

      Myelin Water Imaging Profiles Along White Matter Tracts

      Author:Tobias Baumeister  Shannon Kolind  Alex MacKay  Martin McKeown  

      Institution:The University of British Columbia  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Quantitative Mapping of the Brain  

      Program Number:4404  

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 31  

      Myeloarchitectonic mapping of cortical gray matter with 3D inhomogeneous magnetization transfer (ihMT)

      Author:Fanny Munsch  Gopal Varma  Manuel Taso  Olivier Girard  Arnaud Guidon  Guillaume Duhamel  David Alsop  

      Institution:Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School  Ge Healthcare  GE Healthcare  

      Session Type:Oral  

      Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Novel Neuroimaging Techniques  

      Program Number:1048  

      Presentation Time:09:51   

      Room Number:Room 510A-D  

      Computer Number:

      Myocardial Perfusion

      Author:Frank Kober  

      Institution:Aix-Marseille Univ  

      Session Type:Weekday Course  

      Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:CMR in Kidney Failure: Non-Contrast Imaging  

      Program Number:

      Presentation Time:09:15   

      Room Number:Room 512A-H  

      Computer Number:

      Native Space Outlier Rejection (NaSOR) for Arterial Spin Labelling

      Author:Courtney Bishop  Mari Lambrechts  James O'Callaghan  Adam Connolly  Roger Gunn  

      Institution:Invicro LLC  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Image Reconstruction  

      Program Number:2429  

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 131  

      Navigated Steady-State Free Precession with Water-Excitation for Real-Time Cardiac Imaging at 3 Tesla

      Author:Xi Peng  Sutton Brad  

      Institution:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Image Reconstruction  

      Program Number:2442  

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 144  

      Navigator-less Spiral SToRM for Free breathing and Ungated Cardiac CINE MRI

      Author:Abdul Haseeb Ahmed  Ruixi Zhou  Yang Yang  Michael Salerno  Mathews Jacob  

      Institution:University of Iowa  University of Virginia  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Motion Correction: Non-Brain  

      Program Number:4480  

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

      Computer Number:Computer 108  

      Need for Speed: Advanced Imaging Methodologies to Capture 3D Physiological Motion in MRI-Guided RT

      Author:Cornelis van den Berg  


      Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium  

      Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

      Session Time:08:15  

      Session Name:Advances in MRI-Guided Radiotherapy of Cancer  

      Program Number:

      Presentation Time:08:15   

      Room Number:Room 513A-C  

      Computer Number:

        Negative-Unlabeled Learning for Diffusion MRI

        Author:Phillip Swazinna  Vladimir Golkov  Ilona Lipp  Eleonora Sgarlata  Valentina Tomassini  Derek Jones  Daniel Cremers  

        Institution:Cardiff University  Technical University of Munich  Sapienza University of Rome  

        Session Type:Digital Poster  

        Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

        Session Time:08:15  

        Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Signal Representation & Modelling  

        Program Number:3480  

        Presentation Time:08:15   

        Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

        Computer Number:Computer 144  

        Network Accelerated Motion Estimation and Reduction (NAMER): Accelerating forward model based retrospective motion correction using a convolutional neural network

        Neurosurgeon's Perspective: Reduction of Imaging for Value in MR

        Author:Alexander Weil  

        Institution:Sainte Justine University Hospital  

        Session Type:Weekday Course  

        Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

        Session Time:08:15  

        Session Name:ISMRM-SMRT Joint Forum: Chasing Speed & Spatial Resolution: At What Point Is Enough?  

        Program Number:

        Presentation Time:09:45   

        Room Number:Room 710A  

        Computer Number:

          Neurovascular coupling in task and resting state using simultaneous calcium fiber photometry and fMRI in rats

          Author:Chuanjun Tong  Jiankun Dai  Yanqiu Feng  Zhifeng Liang  

          Institution:Institution of Neuroscience  Sourthern Medical University  

          Session Type:Combined Educational & Scientific Session  

          Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Multimodal fMRI: From Animal to Human  

          Program Number:0052  

          Presentation Time:08:57   

          Room Number:Room 710B  

          Computer Number:

          New insights into the development of white matter microstructure across childhood and adolescence from ultra-strong gradients

          Author:Sila Genc  Chantal Tax  Erika Raven  Maxime Chamberland  Greg Parker  Derek Jones  

          Institution:Cardiff University  Murdoch Children's Research Institute  Australian Catholic University  University of Melbourne  

          Session Type:Oral  

          Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Pediatrics: Image Acquisition  

          Program Number:0381  

          Presentation Time:08:27   

          Room Number:Room 510A-D  

          Computer Number:

          Noise Estimation and Bias Correction of Diffusion Signal Decays: Application to Prostate Diffusion Imaging

          Author:Mohammad Alipoor  Stephan Maier  

          Institution:Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University  Brigham and Women's Hospital  Zenuity  

          Session Type:Digital Poster  

          Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Artefact Correction  

          Program Number:3404  

          Presentation Time:08:15   

          Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

          Computer Number:Computer 66  

          Noise Reduction and Uncertainty Estimation for the Variable Flip Angle T1 Method with Automatic Selection of Regularization Parameters

          Author:Anders Garpebring  Max Hellström  Mikael Bylund  Tommy Löfstedt  

          Institution:Umeå University  

          Session Type:Digital Poster  

          Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Optimization of Quantitative Mapping Techniques  

          Program Number:4535  

          Presentation Time:08:15   

          Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

          Computer Number:Computer 164  

          Noise sensitivity study of model-free rPCA in Myelin Water Fraction Mapping using multi-echo GRE

          Noise2Noise MRI for High-resolution Diffusion-weighted Imaging of the Brain: Deep Learning-based denoising without need for Highly Averaged Ground-truth Images

          Author:Motohide Kawamura  Daiki Tamada  Satoshi Funayama  Hiroshi Onishi  Utaroh Motosugi  

          Institution:University of Yamanashi  

          Session Type:Digital Poster  

          Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Artefact Correction  

          Program Number:3392  

          Presentation Time:08:15   

          Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

          Computer Number:Computer 54  

          Non-contact measurement of head movements inside a 7 T Scanner using a 16-channel field camera

          Author:Laura Bortolotti  James Smith  Penny Gowland  Richard Bowtell  

          Institution:SPMIC, University of Nottingham  

          Session Type:Digital Poster  

          Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Motion Correction: Brain  

          Program Number:4431  

          Presentation Time:08:15   

          Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

          Computer Number:Computer 58  

          Non-Contrast Assessment of BBB Permeability to Water

          Author:Hanzhang Lu  


          Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium  

          Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

          Session Time:08:15  

          Session Name:Mapping BBB Permeability: From Contrast- to Non-Contrast-Enhanced Imaging  

          Program Number:

          Presentation Time:09:27   

          Room Number:Room 513A-C  

          Computer Number:

            Non-Gaussian Diffusion Imaging with a Fractional Order Calculus Model to predict response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in local advanced rectal cancer

            Author:Yanfen Cui  Zhizheng Zhuo  Xiaotang Yang  

            Institution:MR Clinical Sciences, Philips Healthcare Greater China  Shanxi Province Cancer Hospital  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

            Session Time:08:15  

            Session Name:Diffusion: Body Applications  

            Program Number:3448  

            Presentation Time:08:15   

            Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

            Computer Number:Computer 111  

            Non-gaussian IVIM-DWI for HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer patients who received marked dose de-escalation in chemo-radiotherapy: Intra-treatment imaging response evaluation

            Author:Ramesh Paudyal  Nadeem Riaz  Vaios Hatzoglou  Nancy Lee  Amita Shukla-Dave  

            Institution:Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

            Session Time:08:15  

            Session Name:Cancer Perfusion, Diffusion & Relaxometry  

            Program Number:2358  

            Presentation Time:08:15   

            Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

            Computer Number:Computer 60  

            Non-Gaussian IVIM-DWI for prediction of locoregional failure in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

            Nonlocal multispectral MRI upsampling for enhanced quality of high-resolution imaging reconstruction

            Author:Nikkita Khattar  Richard Spencer  Mustapha Bouhrara  

            Institution:National Institutes of Health (NIH)  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

            Session Time:08:15  

            Session Name:Image Reconstruction  

            Program Number:2446  

            Presentation Time:08:15   

            Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

            Computer Number:Computer 148  

            Non-negative least squares fitting of multi-exponential T2 decay data: Are we able to accurately measure the fraction of myelin water?

            Author:Vanessa Wiggermann  Irene Vavasour  Enedino Hernandez-Torres  Gunther Helms  Alexander MacKay  Alexander Rauscher  

            Institution:Lund University  Lund University  University of British Columbia  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

            Session Time:08:15  

            Session Name:Quantitative Mapping of the Brain  

            Program Number:4402  

            Presentation Time:08:15   

            Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

            Computer Number:Computer 29  

            Novel methods to record MR spectra in human brain without suppressing or exciting the water signal to investigate exchange-sensitive protons.

            Author:Martyna Dziadosz  Wolfgang Bogner  André Döring  Roland Kreis  

            Institution:Medical University Vienna, High-field MR Center  University Bern  

            Session Type:Combined Educational & Scientific Session  

            Session Date:Monday, 13 May 2019  

            Session Time:08:15  

            Session Name:MRS to CEST & What Is In-Between  

            Program Number:0046  

            Presentation Time:08:47   

            Room Number:Room 510A-D  

            Computer Number:

            Nyquist Ghost Correction of High-Resolution SMS Breast DWI with Ghost/Object Minimization

            Author:Jessica McKay  Steen Moeller  Sudhir Ramanna  An Church  Michael Nelson  Edward Auerbach  Kamil Ugurbil  Patrick Bolan  

            Institution:University of Minnesota  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Date:Wednesday, 15 May 2019  

            Session Time:08:15  

            Session Name:Diffusion MRI: Image Reconstruction  

            Program Number:3354  

            Presentation Time:08:15   

            Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

            Computer Number:Computer 16  

            OE-MRI, DCE-MRI and DWI provide complementary response evaluation in patients with rectal cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy

            Author:Ross Little  Anubhav Datta  Adam Featherstone  Yvonne Watson  Susan Cheung  Lucy Buckley  Mark Saunders  Geoff Parker  James O'Connor  

            Institution:Christie Hospital  University of Manchester  Bioxydyn Ltd  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Date:Tuesday, 14 May 2019  

            Session Time:08:15  

            Session Name:Cancer Metabolism, pH & Oxygenation  

            Program Number:2312  

            Presentation Time:08:15   

            Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

            Computer Number:Computer 14  

            On the impact of slice profile and thickness definition across vendors in 2D bSSFP on SNR and T1-mapping in cardiac MRI

            Author:Jouke Smink  Guillaume Gilbert  Marc Kouwenhoven  Johan van den Brink  

            Institution:MR Clinical Excellence, Philips  MR Clinical Science, Philips  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Date:Thursday, 16 May 2019  

            Session Time:08:15  

            Session Name:System Imperfections  

            Program Number:4519  

            Presentation Time:08:15   

            Room Number:Exhibition Hall  

            Computer Number:Computer 147