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Assessment and improvement of the quality of fat saturation in breast MRI using deep-learning with synthetic data

Author:Junghwa Kang  Ga Eun Park  Sung Hun Kim  Yoonho Nam  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 19: Genitourinary & Women's Imaging  

Session Name:Breast  

Program Number:0149  

Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 7 & 12  

Institution:Hankuk University of Foreign Studies  Seoul St. Mary's Hospital  

Hypo-diamagnetism on χ-separation: a potential marker for the differential diagnosis between MS and NMOSD.

Image quality of high-resolution three-dimensional neck MRI using CAIPIRINHA-VIBE and GRASP-VIBE: an intra-individual comparative study

A Multi-Stage 3D Patch-wise Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of New Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Longitudinal MRI

A Multi-Stage 3D Patch-wise Deep Learning Algorithm for Detection of New Multiple Sclerosis Lesions in Longitudinal MRI