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Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of White Matter Tracts in Aging via Transversely Isotropic MR Elastography

Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of White Matter Tracts in Aging via Transversely Isotropic MR Elastography

Estimation of anisotropic mechanical properties of gastrocnemius during muscle contraction with MR elastography

Estimation of anisotropic mechanical properties of gastrocnemius during muscle contraction with MR elastography

Imaging the pulsatile fluid source distribution and pressure gradients in the brain using a poroelastic model and intrinsic pulsatile motions.

Author:Matthew McGarry  John Weaver  Keith Paulsen  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 23: MR Contrasts  

Session Name:MR Elastography  

Program Number:0118  

Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 14-16  

Institution:Dartmouth College  Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center  

Mapping Rodent Brain Mechanical Properties In Vivo with Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Nonlinear Inversion