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The BigMac dataset: interconnecting MR signals with microstructure profiles in the cortex

Dynamic fitting of functional MRS, diffusion weighted MRS, and edited MRS using a single interface

Author:William Clarke  Clémence Ligneul  Michiel Cottaar  Saad Jbabdi  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 7: Spectroscopy & Hyperpolarization  

Session Name:MR Spectroscopy (fMRS, dMRS)  

Program Number:0309  

Room Session:N11 (Breakout A)  

Institution:University of Oxford  

In vivo myelin thickness estimates from DIffusion-Prepared Phase Imaging (DIPPI)

In vivo myelin thickness estimates from DIffusion-Prepared Phase Imaging (DIPPI)

Visualising and interacting with diffusion MRI microstructural models using FSL-DIVE