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Coil Sketching for fast and memory-efficient iterative reconstruction

High spatial and temporal resolution rapid 3D IR-radFLASH pulse sequence for T1 mapping in the brain

Improving deep unrolled neural networks for radial cine cardiac image reconstruction using memory-efficient training, Conv-LSTM based network

Performance of Radial Dual-Echo Inversion Recovery SPGR T1 mapping in comparison to SMART1 and MOLLI for the Evaluation of Liver Parenchyma.

Author:Manoj Mathew  Zhitao Li  Ali Syed  Shreyas Vasanawala  Ryan Brunsing  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 18 May 2021  

Topic:Digestive, Diabetes & Pancreas  

Session Name:Diffuse Liver & Pancreatic Diseases  

Program Number:1877  

Room Session:Concurrent 5  

Institution:Stanford University  

Rapid high resolution simultaneous mapping of composite T1, water-only T1 and PDFF in the abdomen with dual-echo IR-radSPGR pulse sequence