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ChEST: A novel model measuring both Chemical Exchange and Susceptibility Tensor from resonance frequency shift

DeepRF-Grad: Simultaneous design of RF pulse and slice selective gradient using self-learning machine

Author:Jiye Kim  Dongmyung Shin  Juhyung Park  Hwihun Jeong  Jongho Lee  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 20 May 2021  

Topic:New strategies in RF Pulse Design  

Session Name:RF Pulses  

Program Number:3957  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:Seoul National University  

DeepTSE-T2: Deep learning-powered T2 mapping with B1+ estimation using a product double-echo Turbo Spin Echo sequence

Necessity for a common dataset for a fair comparison between deep neural networks for QSM