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CDP-choline may influence metabolite levels in the anterior cingulate of people in remission of depression

A rat model of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) using 3D printed titium hip implants:  Ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI at 7T

Simultaneous evaluation of bone and cartilage status in asymptomatic FAI subjects and healthy controls using PET-MRI

Author:Gerd Melkus  Kawan Rakhra  Reggie Taylor  Katie Dinelle  Stephen Dinning  Paul Beaulé  

Institution:The Ottawa Hospital  The Royal Hospital  University of Ottawa  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Bone, Cartilage, and Muscle  

Session Name:Bone 1  

Program Number:2770  

Room Live Q&A Session: