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Author:Paul Hughes Andrew Swift Frederick Wilson Marcella Cogliano Fasial Alandejani Anthony Cahn Lindsay Kendall David Kiely Jim Wild
Institution:GlaxoSmithKline R&D Ltd Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust The University of Sheffield
Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch
Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020
Topic:Novel clinical applications of CMR
Session Name:Cardiovascular Power Pitch: Applications
Program Number:1210
Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 3
Author:Marta Tibiletti Jo Naish Matthew Heaton Paul Hughes Jim Wild Geoff Parker
Institution:BiOxyDyn Ltd The University of Sheffield University College London University of Manchester
Session Type:Digital Poster
Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)
Topic:Thoracic and Breast MRI
Session Name:Lung & Mediastinum
Program Number:2306
Room Live Q&A Session:
Author:Paul Hughes Marta Tibiletti Matthew Heaton Ho-Fung Chan Guilhem Collier Matthew Austin Laurie Smith Jim Lithgow Josephine Naish Jim Wild Geoff Parker
Institution:Bioxydyn The University of Sheffield University of Manchester Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust University College London
Program Number:2305
Author:Paul Hughes Nicholas Weatherley Helen Marshall Stephen Bianchi Jim Wild
Institution:Academic Directorate of Respiratory Medicine The University of Sheffield
Session Name:Lung, Mediastinum & Hyperpolarized
Program Number:2359